Lexis Nexis’s Handbook on Offences and Punishments by M A Rashid – 5th Edition 2023.
Lexis Nexis’s Handbook on Offences and Punishments by M A Rashid – 5th Edition 2023.
Description :
Handbook on Offences and Punishments is a unique book, in which the offences strewn over different criminal statutes of various subjects are presented in a tabular form for easy reference. This book covers over 2000 penal provisions contained in more than 100 special statutes tabulated in the similar manner as the offences of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 are presented in the First Schedule to the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. The relevant section of the statutes, the offences, its punishments, triable by which court, whether it is cognizable/bailable/compoundable are enumerated in the table. The locus standi to file a complaint, if envisage under law, is also pointed out.
This Handbook is an indispensable first point of reference for legal practitioners, public prosecutors, investigating agencies and trial courts. We sincerely hope, this edition also will be accepted by the legal fraternity.
Key Features:
• Offences dispersed over different criminal statutes of various subjects are presented in a tabular form for easy reference
• Covers over 2000 penal provisions contained in more than 100 special statutes
• Intelligible discussion of the relevant section of the statutes, the offences, its punishments, triable by which court, whether it is cognizable/bailable/compoundable are enumerated in a tabular form.
• In addition to the Enactment of several new laws, amendments to some Acts have also come into force, such as, The Essential Defence Services Act, 2021, The Central Goods and Services Act, 2017, The Code on Wages Act, 2019, The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019, The Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes (Production, Manufacture, Import, Export, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage and Advertisement) Act, 2019, Companies Act, 2013, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
Details :
- Publisher:Â Lexis Nexis
- Author : M A Rashid
- Edition : 5th Edition 2023
- ISBN-13 : 9789395116084
- ISBN-10 : 9789395116084
- Language : English
- Binding : Paperback
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